Published! The Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Doing Well the Key Work of Promoting Rural Revitalization in an All-round Way in 2022 contains "Big Money Scenery"!
Time:2022-10-21 Font size

On February 22, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Doing a Good Job in the Key Work of Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization in 2022, namely the No. 1 central document of 2022, was released. This is the 19th No. 1 central document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 21st century.

The document is divided into eight parts, including: fully grasp the food production and supply of important agricultural products, strengthen the basic support of modern agriculture, firmly hold the bottom line of no large-scale return to poverty, focus on industry to promote rural development, solidly and steadily promote rural construction, highlight the effectiveness of improving rural governance, increase policy security and institutional innovation, adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership of the "three rural" work.

According to relevant research reports and analysis, the following contains "big money"!

Interpretation: Rural sewage and rural livestock and poultry manure have been the key to the renovation of rural residential environment. This year, the "implementation of rural human settlements improvement" was once again written into the No. 1 central document, emphasizing the "continuous implementation of the five-year plan for rural human settlements improvement", which shows that this year, the development of the fecal waste recycling industry will receive more attention.

At present, the existing products on the market do not realize the basic principle of "reducing, stabilizing, harmless and recycling" of fecal waste resources. There are many problems such as incomplete treatment (unable to reach 100% utilization), treatment facilities occupying the site, treatment process affecting the surrounding ecological environment, and treatment process too complex.

   Mobile resource recovery system


1. The mobile resource recovery system can realize the whole process of fecal waste resource treatment. Each treatment unit adopts a closed box design, and the materials are automatically replenished. Realize the mobile and closed operation treatment of livestock and poultry manure resources industry chain, avoid water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution, infectious disease source and other problems caused by improper use of manure resources, and have a large daily treatment capacity of a single equipment, intelligent operation, easy maintenance and easy use.

2. About 75% of purified water and secondary utilization can be obtained from livestock and poultry manure, and the remaining 25% can be turned into solid and liquid organic fertilizer, and finally form 100% tradable products: solid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, and water up to standard. Realize the on-site disposal and recycling of manure resources.

3. The system loads the intelligent Internet of Things management platform, checks the working status of each equipment through the corresponding WEB page function provided by the intelligent Internet system and the data browsing of the mobile APP, realizes the remote online management of the construction equipment, shortens the service time and service cycle of the product, saves the service cost, improves the use efficiency of the equipment, and reduces the idle rate.


  Mobile resource recovery system will actively and effectively protect the ecological and healthy breeding and living environment, and contribute to creating a beautiful home with blue sky, green ground and clean water.





