Let customers accept the practical skills of "high price"!
Time:2022-06-30 Font size

1、 When the customer depresses my product with competitive price

1. Performance: "Your products are too expensive. They are much cheaper than yours!"

2. Analysis: The customer thinks that the price of the product is high, often because there is no right reference, because "high price" is relative.

For example, in the instant noodle industry, the customer compares the dual-package products of the competitive products with our three-package products, compares the low-grade products of the competitive products with our medium-high grade products, and compares the products of small enterprises with those of our large enterprises. This comparison will inevitably lead to erroneous conclusions.

3. Countermeasures:

(1) First, let the customer talk about the reason why he thinks our company's products are "high in price" is to compare with which company's products:

If customers compare the products of our large enterprises with those of small enterprises, they should explain to customers that the prices of the two cannot be compared, because the brand awareness and market positioning are different.

If customers compare our products with those of major competitors, they should first investigate the prices and sales of competitive products they say; Then take a seat according to the number and see which category of competitive products is equivalent to our products; Finally, explain to the customer that he is taking the price of low-grade competitive products to compare with the price of our high-end products, which is obviously unfair to us.

(2) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of our products and competitive products in detail, and explain the situation of the enterprise and the positioning, packaging, quality and other aspects of the products to customers in an intuitive way such as data and certificates. For example, in terms of quality:

Explain the production and quality management of our company to customers, and issue the certification documents of ISO9000 and other quality assurance systems obtained by the company to customers when necessary.

Compare relevant quality indicators with competitive products. Ask a third party to conduct blind test. When the third party does not know the brand of the tested product in advance, it is natural for them to say what advantages our product has compared with competitive products.

(3) Tell customers that behind our high-priced products, there is a perfect service system superior to our competitors, which is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of manufacturers.

be careful:

Don't deliberately attack competitive products: in front of customers, we should never deliberately attack competitive products in order to show that our products are good, which is easy to cause customers' disgust. We must persuade customers with data and facts.

Comparison skills: when evaluating competitive products, say the advantages first and then the disadvantages; When evaluating yourself, first say your weaknesses and then your strengths.

2、 When the customer declares that the goods cannot be loaded

1. Performance: "Our shop is poor and can't afford to buy high-priced goods."

2. Analysis: customers may be really poor and need some understanding and support from enterprises; They may also cry for poverty, hoping that enterprises will lower prices, give more policies, and even hope that enterprises can sell on credit. Therefore, first of all, we should distinguish the real purpose of what the customer said, and then deal with it separately.

3. Countermeasures:

(1) For really poor customers, two strategies can be adopted: when the customer boss has clear business ideas, foresight and strong interest in our products, he can appropriately promise some financial assistance and policy support that can be delivered to the customer; When you have no confidence in the customer's development, simply give up the customer.

(2) For the customers who are crying for poverty, we should first make a visual inspection and sideswipe to estimate their financial strength and profits; Then introduce to customers the bumper harvest of the products distributed by dealers with comparable strength; Finally, we must emphasize that distribution opportunities are rare.

3、 When the customer refuses to cooperate with the second batch

1. Performance: "The price is too high, and they will not accept it when distributing goods to the second batch."

2. Analysis: The purpose of the customer's statement is to use the second batch as an excuse to put pressure on the enterprise and hope that the enterprise will give greater policy support. The "fighter" in the sale search "sales" to join us. In many cases, we have persuaded customers to agree with the price of our products by comparing with competitive products. However, competitive products have a certain foundation and sales volume in the market, and customers think it is too difficult to promote our products to downstream customers, and they are worried that they can not make the market better. At this time, we need to find ways to strengthen customers' confidence in distribution.

3. Countermeasures:

(1) Tell the customer that the goods are distributed at the same price. Since the competitive products can be distributed to the second batch at the same price, we can also distribute the goods at the normal price, which is also a necessary means to ensure that the customer will make money in the future. If the product distribution price is too low, and the price cannot rise after the market opens, then the customer's profit cannot be guaranteed.

(2) Communicate deeply with customers about the policies and strategies of the enterprise to operate the market, explain to customers that the enterprise will not push the products to customers and then leave it alone. In order to open the market and occupy the market, the enterprise will provide customers with a series of support, including human support, promotion support, advertising support and market operation idea support.

(3) Inform customers that the enterprise will launch certain promotion and publicity policies, such as year-end rebates, threshold rewards, etc., to help customers distribute goods to the second batch.

(4) Explain to customers: for the second batch, enterprises will consider setting the corresponding distribution price for the second batch in addition to the profit difference of customers, but customers cannot arbitrarily increase the distribution price for the second batch.

Note: Don't promise customers the policies that the enterprise doesn't have, because this will bring a series of leftover problems to the next market operation, which will make customers lose confidence in the enterprise.

4、 When customers think it is unprofitable to sell high-priced products

1. Performance: "The product price is so high, and I need to invest so much money. When can I recover the cost and make money?"

2. Analysis: It is the nature of customers to seek profits. It is normal for customers to lose profits due to small sales volume and large investment in the early stage, but enterprises should describe good cooperation prospects for customers.

3. Countermeasures:

(1) Explain to the customer that the enterprise has considered the customer's profit when pricing. If customers want to make money: first, they should pass the product price difference; Second, it is necessary to digest expenses and gain scale profits by increasing sales volume.

(2) Communicate with customers about the enterprise's operation, business philosophy, scale, strength, background, various awards and other information to dispel customers' doubts and help them build confidence. Let customers believe that their investment in the early stage will be continuously profitable in the future.

(3) Inform the enterprise of other benefits it can bring to customers: for example, the enterprise will provide customers with certain year-end incentives, the indicators for customers with good market operation to travel abroad, and the enterprise will organize regular training for customers.

(4) Describe to customers the products of the enterprise that can play a role in improving customers' network, image and brand. They are invaluable capital for customers to win the future.

5、 When customers use consumers as a shield

1. Performance: "Your products are too expensive for consumers to buy!"

2. Analysis: customers have strong consumer awareness. If the majority of consumers do not buy it, the product that the manufacturer publicizes well is not a good product. Therefore, customers should be persuaded to "comply" with specific publicity plans and detailed consumer survey data.

3. Countermeasures:

(1) Inform the best-selling situation of this product in other regions or other dealers.

(2) Inform the enterprise of the specific annual and monthly product promotion plans. If you have started to publicize in the mass media, ask the customer if you have seen it; Remind customers to pay attention if they plan to publicize in local media; If the product takes advantage of stars or powerful media, it must be emphasized again and again to strengthen customer confidence.

(3) Tell some consumers about their actual consumption experience.





